Christmas 1964

Miles and Kislanko kids at Beanie's

Lana, Nancy, Pam, David, Mark and Virginia

Virginia provided this photo, and I remember the occasion very well. The Kislankos headed to Wiggins for Christmas as usual, and spent Christmas Eve night at Beanie's house on West College. It was a memorable Christmas because somehow Uncle Jimmy had managed to get the kids to ride in that station wagon for 90 minutes or so without discovering that there were three unassembled bicycles in the back, and get them all put together Christmas Eve/Christmas morning without waking the kids. Will never understand how he did that, but was one of best Christmas surprises ever.

Aunt Toppie adds this about that year... It seems that Jimmy and Shirley had been so intent on getting the bikes to Wiggins undetected they'd forgotten all the other Christmas presents. So, as soon as the kids went to bed, while Jimmy was putting the bikes together Shirley drove back to Mobile to pick up the rest of Christmas.

Paul, Lana, and Mark with new bikes
