Gilbert and Serena portrait

A few weeks before Dot's birthday, she visited Wiggins and discovered that Karen Wallsmith had a painting of Grandpa Jim Bond's parents. As Serena was Dot's namesake and Dot had a birthday coming up, we decided to make a copy of it for Dot.

Virginia has a flatbed scanner, so she borrowed the portrait to digitize it. This was a lot of hard work, because of the frame and the extended power outage that caused her to lose most of the best attempts.

Virginia was worried about the result because it came out so dark, but e-mailed it to Paul anyway. Paul used Carol's PictureIt! software to adjust the contrast and brightness and to crop the scan to fit an 8x10 oval frame.

Gilbert and Serena Bond

Paul had a print mounted and framed for Dot, who also received copies of the print to share with her brother and sisters.