17Jan1999 IM dialog - temp

This is an unedited temporary version of something to get us started. We'll edit it later.

JPKislanko (9:35:58 AM): Wanna see what we've done so far? Bonds Cousins Home Page
GSum4545 (9:38:25 AM): Need a space for history - memories things that might be lost one day.
JPKislanko (9:38:49 AM): Will be there. That is actually main point.
GSum4545 (9:39:24 AM): This may not be a web page - could be a huge book.
JPKislanko (9:39:48 AM): Hope so, but have to start somewhere...
JPKislanko (9:40:13 AM): And book or not, the future generations will start out online.
GSum4545 (9:41:43 AM): Sometimes I remember bits and pieces. I remember when Aunt Net
got married and Uncle Hugo and Uncle Douglas took the "too little" grandchildren to the creek.
We were only supposed to wade, but I stepped in a hole and almost drowned. Uncle Doug pulled
me out. I must have been about 6.

JPKislanko (9:42:39 AM): Put those in e-mail notes and I will collect 'em. 'Course I was
littler than you but was ring-bearer.

JPKislanko (9:43:14 AM): 'Nette said the other day that she thinks her wedding was last time
all cousins were together at once.
GSum4545 (9:44:01 AM): Not during the wedding - during the shower. Sorry. We were all in
the wedding; every grandchild. Mama and Hanks got married the day before during the
rehearsal. I tell everybody I wore shorts to my mother's wedding.

JPKislanko (9:44:46 AM): Now there's a bit worth recording for posterity!
GSum4545 (9:44:56 AM): Got pictures somewhere.
GSum4545 (9:45:15 AM): Carol and Cole are here. Bye
JPKislanko (9:45:23 AM): And we have lots of scanners. That's what I want to see - text with

JPKislanko (9:45:28 AM): Bye

Jennifer Sue saw this dialog online and sent the following e-mail on 30 January 1999:

I also remember when we went down to the creek. I wanted to stay swimming longer and so waded up the creek quite a ways so that I would have longer to come back to the picnic. To my surprise and horror, I thought a water moccasin wrapped around my leg!! Boy was I down the creek and out of the water in a flash! Thanks for starting this and including me. Could be fun. I enjoyed seeing the photo of myself and my brother Jim with my Dad (Doug) and Grandma Bond. We were visiting the Grand Canyon with her.


Send email to Paul Kislanko